Wish Week 2025

Critically ill children have heard enough bad news to last a lifetime.
You can bring childhood back this April.

Wish Week is our national fundraising week, raising awareness and acknowledging the bravery of wish children and their families.
Help us to make wishes come true this Wish Week.

Sign up today to Fundraise your own way!

Take part in your own fundraising challenge this Wish Week, and help to raise funds for critically ill children across Ireland.

Sign up to take part with your School or Business!

Sign your school or business up to get involved this wish week, either by organising your own fundraiser or volunteering at locations around Ireland.

Sign up today to join our Volunteering team!

Sign up to volunteer at locations across the country this Wish Week. Help us to raise vital funds in order to grant more magical wishes to critically ill children.
its4women are the proud sponsors of Wish Week 2025, helping to raise awareness of the important work we do with critically ill children across the country, and raising vital funds to Grant Magical Wishes to wish children.
its4women provide the next generation of insurance, allowing you to set up, manage and renew your car insurance at a time that suits you.
its4women are sponsoring Wish Week as part of their commitment to making a positive difference to the communities they serve. 

Sign Up To Our Newsletter

Stay up-to-date with the wishes we grant, our latest campaigns and volunteering opportunities.