Animation and particularly stop motion, captivates Willow’s imagination and when volunteers Annabel & Ronan had the pleasure of meeting Willow, she told them all about her wish to have animation equipment to create her own stop motion animated videos.
On her wish day, Willow visited the ‘Cartoon Saloon’ animation studio and was given an exclusive VIP tour of the studio, diving into the behind-the-scenes processes that take place at Cartoon Saloon, as well as getting valuable animation tips from the pros themselves!
Presented on the day with a camera, greenscreen, and animation pieces, Willow is now all set to create and share her own animated clips. We can’t wait to see the creative wonders she will undoubtedly produce.
Special thanks to our friends at Cartoon Saloon for making the day so special for Willow. There is no limit to the impact of granting wishes like Willow’s.