Colm’s Wish

To have an electric tractor

The tractor mad seven-year-old Colm from Rathcabbin will not just have a very enjoyable Christmas from his brand new electric tractor, but that happiness will extend well into the years ahead.

Colm is the son of Juliet and Adrian and a big brother to Darragh. He was born at 33 weeks weighing only 2lb 11oz with Down Syndrome and from there on his battle commenced. At two weeks old he had his first heart surgery, then went on fighting in Holles Street Hospital with blood transfusions and other procedures. He was just five and a half months old when he had open-heart surgery in Crumlin Hospital and here too he fought like a trooper.

But it didn’t stop there for the youngster and at five years of age, he faced open heart surgery again which he also took in his stride. “Colm has taught us so much as a family and we wouldn’t change him for the world,” said his mum Juliet.

Continuing she praised the Make-A-Wish Ireland and said “they are just such a wonderful charity that we will be forever grateful to for giving Colm his electric tractor and all the extras that we weren’t expecting. We would like to thank them and also to Paudie in M & S Machinery, Cashel, who made the long journey by tractor with Colm’s pride and joy.”

Together we can make a difference for children.

Make-A-Wish Ireland has one simple aim – to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions, to bring hope, strength and happiness.

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