Saoirse’s Wish

To have a Sensory Space

Saoirse, aged 4, is living with complex needs and has recently changed medication, which has allowed her to become more responsive and reactive to both visual and sensory stimuli.

When it came to choosing a wish, Saoirse’s parents thought a sensory space would be the perfect wish for her.

Volunteers Louise and Caoimhe got to know Saoirse and her parents while they visited the family home and checked out the space that could be transformed to a personal sensory space for Saoirse. With lots of research and brainstorming, the planning got under way to create the right space with visual and textile elements for Saoirse to enjoy.

The room revamp started with a fresh coat of lilac paint completed by a local painter. Then once the paint had dried, volunteers Louise and Caoimhe went in to dress the room with special lights, mirrors, and soft furnishings. In this part, the room was dressed with sensory stimuli as well as items that showcased Saoirse’s interests such as the unicorn lampshade and blanket.

This was another fabulous wish that we are delighted to be able to grant and we can see that this space will provide fun and comfort for Saoirse and her family. A huge thank you to volunteers Louise and Caoimhe for their time and effort that has gone into granting this wish.

Together we can make a difference for children.

Make-A-Wish Ireland has one simple aim – to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions, to bring hope, strength and happiness.

With your kind support, you can help us achieve that aim.

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